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About Mike

I have loved dogs all my life but it was only when I was made redundant from my career in Accountancy that I took the plunge and chose Indiana to become my best chum.  He is a German Short-Haired Pointer, as mad as a box of frogs and as you can guess, he is named after Indiana Jones - who as we all know took his name from the Jones' family dog.


To say that Indy had a few behavioural quirks would be an understatement (we should have called him Scooby Doo) and so to make sure I was doing all I could to make him happy I undertook 

a course in Canine Communication.  It worked (turned out that it was me that needed the training rather than Indiana) and we are now a very happy family. 


I have unsurprisingly found that dog walking is as rewarding as my first career (which is now on a much smaller scale) so I am looking forward to meeting a different set of clients and becoming slightly less boring to my friends and family.


My wife and I and Indiana relocated to Osmington in 2009 and we all agree it was the best thing we have ever done.  So many fields on our doorstep for running around in and chasing things that simply refuse to be caught.  Still, that doesn't stop Indy trying his hardest and he has recently managed to catch a duck, much to his delight and our disgust.  All ended happily though when he decided that a gravy bone and a ball were more important, leaving the duck to waddle back to her pond - a bit ruffled but none the worse for wear.








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