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What are my aims when walking your dog?


My aim is quite simple - to MAKE YOUR DOG HAPPY. 


Being used to a dog that requires above average understanding has given me a great insight into what dogs need from their guardians. 

Your biggest asset is simpy patience which, fortunately, I have in spades.  Indiana has given me a crash course in canine body language

for which I am very grateful.  It certainly comes in handy when I am out walking other dogs.      


Experience has taught me that I will never understand why Indy does what he does and I believe

that I do not need to know either.  He just needs someone to show him patience and gain his trust

and eventually we will get there as a team.


This is what I aim to bring to my dog-walking - to be part of a team with your dog

so that I can MAKE THEM HAPPY.








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